Product Bulletin
PECO 3242
- Neutralizes corrosive action of carbonic acid to eliminate typical grooving attack.
- Easily fed to any part of the system.
- Compatible with other water treatment chemicals in all proportions
Power Engineering Product 3242 is a highly active, volatile neutralizing amine. 3242 is a clear liquid that when applied at the proper dosage will neutralize the carbonic acid in steam condensate systems protecting the piping from low pH attack.
Power Engineering Product 3242 is fed in sufficient quantities to maintain the residual outlined by your Power Engineering Co. service representative. The correct dosage of 3242 is dependent upon the amount of carbon dioxide contained in the steam. When used in steam that contacts food, up to 10 PPM of amine may be used without objection from the USDA.
3242 may be fed in conjunction with other boiler water chemicals or fed direct to boiler, condensate receiver, or steam line.
Physical Properties
Color………………………………………………………… Colorless
Specific Gravity…………………………………………….. 0.985
pH………………………………………………………………………. 12.3
Odor………………………………………………….. Ammoniacal
Regular service calls will be made by a Power Engineering Service Representative to evaluate the product performance. An analysis of the systems water will be conducted and recommendations for any adjustments will be made at the time of each visit.
Additional analyses may be performed in the lab facilities of Power Engineering if required or requested.
5 Gallon pails (40 lbs.) 30 Gallon drums (245 lbs.) 55 Gallon drums (465 lbs.) Bulk Deliveries