Product Bulletin



PECO 3446


    • Carries to all parts of steam system. Even in high rise buildings with pressure reducing valves.
    • Pacifies corrosive carbonic acid and controls corrosion throughout the entire steam and condensate system.
    • Unique, proprietary blended amine liquid treatment is miscible at steam temperatures and pressures.

PECO 3446 is a liquid steam and condensate treatment which minimizes corrosion in steam and condensate return lines in steam boilers. A synergistic blend of amines for most all types of steam and condensate return systems.


Establish dosage to maintain a pH of 8.5 to 8.9 in the condensate. Validation of the correct dosage should be established using condensate iron testing and/or corrosion coupons testing. The exact dosage should be established in cooperation with your Power Engineering technical service representative.


3445 is compatible with most boiler water treatment products. Feed to the BFW. Use cold soft water or cold condensate for solution preparation or feed neat.


Regular service calls will be made by a Power Engineering Company representative to make complete water tests at your plant. All recommendations and adjustments for correct water treatment will be discussed at the time of each visit.


55 Gallon drums (450 lbs.)